

Akashic Records

Ginger's Affirmation

Dear God/Spirit/Universe (whatever you feel comfortable with)

I call on my angels, spirit guides, loved ones who have passed on, and all those in my soul community- only those of the highest vibration to be with me today.  I ask that you please open my eyes, ears, heart and mind to what I need to know and be aware of today, including any signs and synchronicities you may send my way.  Please help me to recognize them when they arrive.

Archangel Michael, please surround me with your love and light and protect me from taking on any energy that is not mine today, and keep me in a place of love within. Archangel Raphael, please continue to heal my body and return it to its perfect state of health, and please send me to all the people, doctors, healers, modalities and opportunities to help me do so.

(Add in anything you are personally struggling with, want guidance on or need help with right now, and include and angels to help as well)

Thank you for all you have done in the past, all you will do today and all you will do in the future. Amen, Namaste

Julie Ann's Chants

Om Shanti Om  from Deva Premal’s Album
Link and explanations are on above link. Lovely album
 Jaya Ganesha by Bhakti Messenger
Gayatri Mantra 
Hari Nam- 
Pavan Guru
Pavan Guru by Simrit. She is magnificent to watch.

The Books We Love

Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss find it here

Hello From Heaven by Bill and Judy Guggenheim find it here

You Are Psychic! By Pete A. Sanders find it here

The Forgetting Time by Sharon Guskin find it here

What Dreams May Come (movie) find it here

The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff find it here

The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. find it here

What the Bleep Do We Know? by William Arntz, Betsy Chasse, and Mark Vicente find it here

Any/All The Abraham-Hicks Books by Esther and Jerry Hicks and Abraham find it here